Wednesday, June 1, 2011

feb. 17, 2007

Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody!

My biggest fear is that a squirrel will get into my apartment. How would I get her out? How do I know it'll be a her... because the ladies can't keep away. But seriously, would I use a cup to catch it? They are pretty fast, I don't think I could keep up. I do have a box... what I would like to do is attach a string to the box and get a stick, so when the squirrel goes near the box, I would pull the string and catch her in the box. But what would be the next step. I'd be left with a squirrel in an upside down box... well done, I accomplished pissing off a squirrel. The second she would get out of the upside down box, she would go for my jugular. What would you do in the situation, because I don't know. Why do I bring this up... well, I just want to be prepared for anything. God help me if a duck gets in here... I'm never going to open my doors again. Happy Black history month everyone.

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