Monday, June 20, 2011

selling out? Yes, please.

If you ever get a chance to sell out, I say go for it.  You might only get one chance in your life to do so, so do it.  You've got the rest of your life to stand up for whatever the hell you choose to believe in.  Crap, I just spilled delicious Propel Zero on me.  That's less for me to drink now.  I could drink it all day because not only does it make my taste buds go into a frantic orgy of delight but it also contains zero calories.  Also lucky for me, I have some Bounty towels to soak up what I've spilled.  I won't need the whole role though, as one sheet is more than enough to absorb this huge spill.  No one will be able to tell that I've spilled anything.  But I digress... this country was founded by people willing to sell out and it has been carried on throughout generations.  Image a world where Kurt Cobain didn't sell out and sign to a major label.  There would be no Nirvana.  That means my iPhone, made by Apple, would have 15 less songs on it.  What would I do then with the extra space, fill it up with more great songs that I can find on the immense iTunes catalog?  All I'm saying is, you need to spoil yourself sometime, and selling out is the way to go.  Speaking of spoiling, I think I'm spoiling my taste buds more with a bite into this soft and chewy Betty Crocker brownie... double fudge indeed! 
Also, I made a comment once about fighting child obesity... what I meant to say was let's fight obese children.  Two totally different meanings, my fault.

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