Wednesday, June 1, 2011

oct 10, 2006

Blog, dog, fog, hog, jog, egg nog, clog, log, oysters... damn i lost

when you go and pay for something and you have exactly the right amount of change in your pocket for said purchase... well, no matter what happens on that day, it's a good day.  Only so often will the fates give you this honor.  A blue moon happens every so often, as does this moment.  Anyone with talent can win a title, but only the one who has luck can recieve this prestige.  Thank you coin fate for those rare perfect days.
I have begun my attempt to bring the almighty sweater vest back for some time now.  It's been a struggle to take the image away from mid 90s cholos (if that's how you spell it).  Hopefully this fight will be won, if not in my generation, then perhaps for my children's generation.  Only God knows.
If I had superpowers, I would not want to be a superhero.  Knowing myself, I would probably turn evil.  and that saddens me... just a little bit.
I feel bad for the platypus.  He is several creatures in one.  Not even cool animals.  If it was say, a dolphin and a cheetah, that would be cool.  I would give mad props to that.  But it's a duck and beaver.  Yes, there is potential for it to be cool, but then it got the name of platypus.  You know damn well the rest of the animal kingdom is going around calling them "platypus-sy."  Come on you guys, get off their case.  I wonder if -pus means beaver.  That's a strange coincidence if it doesn't.  Hang in there platypi, someday you will rise, till then, you are in my heart.
The following shows should be brought back:  Doug, Ren and Stimpy, Silver Hawks, The original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Alf (but not in pog form), and Dawson's Creek.  Yes, the creek, deal with it.
Does anyone know where to buy pogs anymore?  I could go for a good game of that right now.  I think I still have mine.  You and I should play, but no use of poison or bombs.  And damn you if you use those slammers that dent the pogs.  What's the point of winning them if you're just going to destroy the prize?
This week crickets have made it on my bad side.  Keep it down you guys, other people live here too.  Also, on my bad side this week:  People with really deep voices that scare me, Chuck Norris who is definately no Bruce Lee, people who don't like me because I'm too lovable (yeah, believe it, it happens), people who don't like me because I'm not lovable enough (take that mom),  people who repeat things, the ice cream man that doesn't stop, people who give me pesos (what am I going to do with a peso... throw it?), people who repeat things, the color lavinder, the dove company, Fructise Shampoo for getting in my eye, my left hand for letting the shampoo get in my eyes (come on, be responsible), and finally, people who repeat things (can't stand it).
Beastie Boys come back and rock the crap out of America.  I watched Blue's Clues the other day... damn that's an easy show to win at.  Atlantic ocean.
Which ocean is the coolest?  In this writer's eyes, shines the Pacific Ocean.  It's the largest of the oceans and contains Hawaii.  It spands from Cali to Vietnam.  The Atlantic does come in a close second, and yes, I did mention it right now, but further thought has brought me back to the Pacific.  There is much intrigue.  As for the other two oceans, they are but a joke to the power of the pacific.  I give the Pacific Ocean 2 kudos for this week, which brings it's total to exactly... 2 kudos.  Congrats.
Next time:  I shall go further into the brain of yours truely and explore the deeper thoughts.  Discussions of Super hero movies, cheese and which one rules them all, the human lung, and whatever I saw on TV.

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