Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Feb. 6, 2008

i shaved my hair off last night and soon i will begin the lemonade detox. It will be a crazy journey, and i will keep track of it all for all you kids out there. It's suppose to last for 10 days, i predict i will last for 4.
i drove down to el paso this past weekend and we played football. it's been 3 days and i'm sore still.
i've been bothered by thoughts: if a poisonous snake bit its tongue, what would happen? cats and dogs can be allergic to people, so can people be allergic to people? People with extra toes... can they run faster or slower than others? People with an extra finger or missing a finger... can they flip off others?
i got the new macbook air and it is awesome.
if i got laser eye surgery, the first person i'd shoot with my laser eyes... ryan seacrest.
LOST is back and is on my awesome list.
for halloween i want to be han solo in carbonite, i just need someone to push the trolley around. i would prefer that person to dress up as boba fett, but we can discuss it further.
i would hate to be stuck in quick sand, maybe it's just me but that would suck.
peace be with you. and also with you.

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