Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Jul 30, 2007

i'm dying...

i just ate a cookie and my tummy (whom i call tommy) hurts. i may be dying, to which i ask whomever reads this.... avenge my death. make nestles toll house suffer as i did. to thou whom gets revenge... i will leave you my marble collection. it is vast and not so much valuable. it is beautiful, just like my eyes. and when you look upon them, remember me for the person i was before the tommy ache. a brave young man with charm oozing out the ears, and a wit that could... outwit... stuff. i love you mom. i love you dad. damn you nestles... damn you for taking away the life of an up and coming star. shine young thomas... shine brighter than the brightest star in the sky. funny, the brightest stars in the sky are the ones that are about to die out.

it was a pretty good cookie though.

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