Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Folger's in my cup?

it snowed the other day. what the shit denver, don't you realize it's may.

if the best part of waking up is folgers in your cup, then you have a really shitty life. i would not want to meet the person who's greatest highlight is folgers in the morning. hey, ever heard of sex. now that's something to wake up to, the best part of waking up is sex in your cup. that sounds disgusting.

patent pending---- america seems to love two of everything in their bathroom. two shower heads, two sinks... chew on this one america... two toilets facing each other. let's make bathroom time intimate again. it's a great place to have an argument. this idea stems from my toilet in the shower idea (again, patent pending)

why haven't old people given up already?

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